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Mostrando 1 a 8 de 3 resultado/s Speaking at Least Two Tongues Impedes Brain Degeneration
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 20.03.2025 07:35Knowledge of more than one language has been linked by Canadian researchers to a significant delay in the onset of dementia symptoms by as much as four years, compared to monolingual people.Fluency in two or more languages may be able to stave off cogniti..."... o somos o no somos"
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 20.03.2025 07:35It was haunting me since I had recently reread it, to the point that has forced me to write a new post in this blog:"... porque o somos o no somos"Does it sound familiar? Probably not if you don't speak Spanish or any other Latin-based language. The trans...LA DECADENCIA DEL MAESTRO Y LA AUSENCIA DE RENOVACIÓN EN SU FILOSOFÍA
por El Orbe Continúa Allí · Ocio » El orbe continúa allí · 09.03.2025 15:35Nuestro, otrora, amado maestro ha entrado en una espiral sin retorno. Su blog languidece con la misma velocidad con la que desaparece su decrépita cabellera. Antes, miles y miles de entusiastas y fervorosos seguidores se arremolinaban, cuales abnegados ad...