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Mostrando 9 a 16 de 14 resultado/s "... o somos o no somos"
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 18.02.2025 03:35It was haunting me since I had recently reread it, to the point that has forced me to write a new post in this blog:"... porque o somos o no somos"Does it sound familiar? Probably not if you don't speak Spanish or any other Latin-based language. The trans...New CV Website
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 18.02.2025 03:35As 2008 ushers in, I get a new website for my CV, this time hosted at Geocities.I have divided the website into the following sections:Education Bilingual education: Primary and Secondary School in Spain and College in Australia. Most of what I know abo...Spain is one of the countries with lowest rates of violence towards women
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 18.02.2025 03:35Contrary to what you may have been mislead to believe, Spain is actually one of the countries with lowest rates of violence towards women.The Government of Spain has recently approved a Law, putting into effect a "positive" discrimination of Men.What this...La Trampa
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 18.02.2025 03:35Hace un tiempo que visualicé la III y última parte de un documental de la BBC:The Trap, dirigido por Adam Curtis.Este tercer episodio parece haber sido terminado con prisas y diseñado para justificar la entrada del Reino Unido en Irak. Se intenta burdamen...Speaking at Least Two Tongues Impedes Brain Degeneration
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 18.02.2025 03:35Knowledge of more than one language has been linked by Canadian researchers to a significant delay in the onset of dementia symptoms by as much as four years, compared to monolingual people.Fluency in two or more languages may be able to stave off cogniti...A Change of Template
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 18.02.2025 03:35The idea of making my own template, or rather tweaking someone's else, came about when one of my readers pointed out that my blog couldn't be read well in devices such as PDA's, due to not being properly "contrasted". He also complained about the main pos...