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Mostrando 1 a 8 de 1 resultado/s - Pichujitos Blog de Ricardo Mendoza.
- Leo Prieto is News Breaking news about me and things that interest me: If you look really closely you might think it re...
- El rinconcito de ice Tecnología y servicios online.
- El Ratoncito Pérez Blog con información sobre negocios.
- X-TOM Blog con información sobre negocios.
A Change of Template
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 13.01.2025 03:35The idea of making my own template, or rather tweaking someone's else, came about when one of my readers pointed out that my blog couldn't be read well in devices such as PDA's, due to not being properly "contrasted". He also complained about the main pos...