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Mostrando 1 a 8 de 11 resultado/s - ! Planeta Ip! Blog de Marce.
- Vinos de Argentina Blog con información sobre ocio.
- HISTORIAS DEL CALCIO Y OTROS MUNDOS Blog con información sobre deportes.
- Cocina gumer Blog con información sobre ocio.
- Recetas Thermomix Blog con información sobre ocio.
Diario de Filmadrid (y 4). Thom Andersen. Y algo de Bressane, Lehman y Nicolau
por El Dormitorio De Maud · Deportes » El dormitorio de Maud · 02.03.2025 15:35Anoche terminó Filmadrid. Y resulta difícil imaginar algo mejor para la jornada de clausura de un festival de cine que proyectar una película de Thom Andersen. Su última obra, The Thoughts That Once We Had no es sólo un canto de amor al cine y una reivind...Hello, hello, Is it anybody in there?
por Las Trenzas En La Vereda De Parada · Tecnología » Las trenzas en la vereda de parada · 04.03.2025 07:35I konw that u can hear me!Citando PF, retomo este espacio personal no contratado para ver qué tal se siente esto de regresar a estas andanzas.Pues he estado un poquito ocupada, esto de la vida de casada y de ser madre la verdad consume tiempo, y energías ...Gracias!!!
por Por Alto Que Este El Cielo En El Mundo..... · Ocio » Por alto que este el cielo en el mundo..... · 19.03.2025 03:35Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but un...More Than A Year Later...
Ok... here we go again... after another year of life a lot of things has happened.. I'd like to say that everything is going the way I thought it'd be... but no.. some are far from it.. some friends have parted ways to follow their dreams or passions... s...A Change of Template
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 20.03.2025 07:35The idea of making my own template, or rather tweaking someone's else, came about when one of my readers pointed out that my blog couldn't be read well in devices such as PDA's, due to not being properly "contrasted". He also complained about the main pos..."... o somos o no somos"
por Blog De Rafa Minuesa · Negocios » Blog de Rafa Minuesa · 20.03.2025 07:35It was haunting me since I had recently reread it, to the point that has forced me to write a new post in this blog:"... porque o somos o no somos"Does it sound familiar? Probably not if you don't speak Spanish or any other Latin-based language. The trans...A Photo Challenge for 2024
When I woke up, the blog was still there.So I started writing about the last crazy thing that crossed my mind. In this case, starting 2024 with one of those challenges that are completely out of fashion but that, for some reason, felt like a go...Dos factores en oposición geométrica: Método de estabilización de fractales.
por La Bella Teoria · Tecnología » La bella teoria · 17.03.2025 15:35AbstractWe will study the trajectory of Brownian motion to understand the dependence of spatial fractals on distance. Additionally, we will generalize the concept of fractal dimension and discover that the compaction of dimensions provides a form of...